When we do our searching, there will be an enormous number of hits that are relevant to our search, depending on how we word the search, for example "distance learning," "distance education," "e-learning classes, etc.
After we have a lot the search result then start sorting through the results of our search to find exactly what we are looking for! There will be several different colleges and universities whose offerings we will be able to browse.
When we have decided on an institution to look at, we can go to the site map on their Web page. Most often their e-learning courses and degrees can be found under "distance learning" or "online learning." Other labels may include "extended education," "outreach programs," or "adult continuing education." Often the distance education offerings will be prominently displayed on their main home page. We should know that Some programs are termed "asynchronous." It means they do not follow a semester schedule and have flexible enrollment. This course under the term "asynchronous" is ideal for those who cannot follow a rigid schedule due to work, family, or others factors.
What most important is we have to make sure that the institutions are accredited by a bonafide accrediting agency. This should be accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. This is national, not regional, accreditation. It is absolutely important because there are many scams out there which try to steal our money.
After we have sure, contact the institution we have decided on and get the ball rolling. The admitting personnel will let us know everything we need to know. After that we can proceed with applying for admission and lining up financial aid only after we are satisfied that the distance learning program is properly accredited, and that the course or diploma is truly what we are seeking.
Then time to take serious act. We pay for the course. Most distance learning classes can be paid for online. We can use credit or debit card. Most institutions will offer payment plans as well. Payment plan options may require automatic deductions from our credit card or bank account.
After we have a lot the search result then start sorting through the results of our search to find exactly what we are looking for! There will be several different colleges and universities whose offerings we will be able to browse.
When we have decided on an institution to look at, we can go to the site map on their Web page. Most often their e-learning courses and degrees can be found under "distance learning" or "online learning." Other labels may include "extended education," "outreach programs," or "adult continuing education." Often the distance education offerings will be prominently displayed on their main home page. We should know that Some programs are termed "asynchronous." It means they do not follow a semester schedule and have flexible enrollment. This course under the term "asynchronous" is ideal for those who cannot follow a rigid schedule due to work, family, or others factors.
What most important is we have to make sure that the institutions are accredited by a bonafide accrediting agency. This should be accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. This is national, not regional, accreditation. It is absolutely important because there are many scams out there which try to steal our money.
After we have sure, contact the institution we have decided on and get the ball rolling. The admitting personnel will let us know everything we need to know. After that we can proceed with applying for admission and lining up financial aid only after we are satisfied that the distance learning program is properly accredited, and that the course or diploma is truly what we are seeking.
Then time to take serious act. We pay for the course. Most distance learning classes can be paid for online. We can use credit or debit card. Most institutions will offer payment plans as well. Payment plan options may require automatic deductions from our credit card or bank account.
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