The Homeschooling of Montessori

The Montessori homeschooling method was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900s to educate children from poor families in San Lorenzo Rome. Dr. Montessori developed a method of teaching children as children, rather than smaller adults. Instead of pigeonholing children into the common institutionalized methods such as grading and testing, the Montessori home schooling method allows children develop their talents, takes note of weaknesses, and encourages children to develop both their weaknesses, and natural talents in their own time.

The Montessori home schooling method is taught to children from as early as birth, and can go as high as year 12 education. Rather than grading, feedback and analysis is usually provided in the form of a list or narration of the child's talents, and weaknesses. An emphasis on and an approach to improving the child's weaknesses are then taken, as education progresses.

The wonderful thing that the Montessori home schooling method offers a child is a focus on what the child needs as an individual, rather than pre-set needs for the class as a whole. Learning is done at the child's own pace, and teachers take the role of a guide rather than a lecturer. One of the main goals that this method uses is to encourage children to keep their natural joy of learning, without pressuring them to compete with each other and learn when they are not yet ready, or mature enough.

Through this method of teaching, children are encouraged to be independent, and are given freedom with some set limits and responsibilities that come with having freedom.

The entire approach used in Montessori home schooling method is that children learn in an entirely different way than adults. Lessons are specially structured to children's needs, and the natural way that they learn to give children the best advantage in both an academic, and social learning environment.

Montessori Method Lessons

The Montessori method ensures that a child is never given an activity without being shown how it is of use to them. After the activity has been demonstrated, the child is then given the freedom to use this newly acquired knowledge with no limits, other than their own imagination, or when the materials or child has a risk of being a danger to themselves or those around them.

Each activity is carefully selected, and will pave the way for later activities, and concepts. Children are encouraged to repeat an activity as many times as they want to, until they become bored with it. At this stage, it is a sign that the child is ready to start the next activity.

There is never a prescribed time table, or period in which children are meant to learn certain concepts, or lessons, the speed that these are learned will depend entirely on the child, and when they feel ready to move on. However, there is a set sequence of learning activities that are used for lessons. The Montessori home schooling method was originally designed as a schooling system, but it is a very popular method that is often scaled down and used by parents for home schooling.
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What You Need for Running a Homeschooling?

Homeschooling may be unstructured but it lies on the time schedule of the lessons. Unlike with the traditional school setting, students of the homeschooling program are allowed to work at their own pace and to learn what they can learn at a certain period of time.

They are not required to finish a coursework without totally mastering the lesson. Because they do not have to learn alongside other kids, they are given more freedom to fully understand the lessons. In fact, some parents even allow their kids to go back and review previous lessons that they have not yet mastered.

Some are also given the chance to concentrate on subjects that they have not yet mastered while putting off the lessons of subjects that they find easy. For instance, if a child is good in English but not in Math, they can actually forgo with the lesson in English for a day and concentrate on their Math lessons. With homeschooling everything is fitted to suit the needs of the child.

Still, like the traditional school setting, there are materials that are needed to teach the subjects to the kids. For instance, a curriculum is needed to give structure to the lessons. This is important as a basic flow is needed to give direction to the lessons. This is especially true with parents who have no previous experience in handling children or in teaching lessons.

Another material that should be used in homeschooling program is the worksheets. Unlike with the ordinary classroom setting where there are exams administered, with homeschooling program there are no tests per se, but there are worksheets that students need to answer so that their parents can determine their progress and their understanding of the lesson. This is where parents will base their decision to continue with the lesson and review or to proceed with the next lesson in the curriculum.

Visual aids are also essential in teaching. This is especially needed with subjects that are hard to fathom without concrete materials such as Science and Math. It will also be easier and more interesting for students to have visual aids when they learn a particular subjects as most learners are visual oriented.

Activities are also essential in the homeschooling program as it puts the fun into the learning. This can be done inside the house with lessons of Math and Science incorporated in domestic tasks such as cooking and planting. Outside activities such as visits to the zoos, museum and garden parks will also help in making kids understand the practicality of what they are learning.
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Managing the Cost of Homeschool Programs

Home schooling is now, more than ever, being considered as a viable alternative to traditional schooling. The reasons for which are diverse ranging from cultural/religious beliefs to economic matters.

The notion that home schooling is much less expensive than sending your child to an educational institution is prevalent, but not necessarily true. Pound for pound, while a home school education is less costly than a private school, it will likely be more expensive than a public school.

Starting out
For one thing, if you’re just beginning with home schooling (and if you don’t have a teaching background), it is recommended that you subscribe to an independent study program or buy a boxed curriculum suited to your child’s skill level. While these may cost, these will guide your first few attempts at home schooling and help eliminate the trial-and-error process in finding out how to run your home school just right. These services and products range from a low of $300 to a high of $1,500 depending on the program.

Direct costs
However, the costs do not end there. You will need to supplement the program with textbooks as well as workbooks. Up-to-date reference materials are also needed such as an encyclopedia CD-ROM and Internet access. These will require purchases and subscriptions as well.

It will do your child much good to provide proper furniture and fixtures for studying. Getting them a proper study table, a comfortable chair and adequate lighting will show positive results in the child’s attitude towards learning. A computer to aid in their research and homework is also essential.

It is also possible that you may have to avail of tutorial services to cover subjects that you may have difficulty in teaching yourself. These can be done on a per course/per subject basis which may help reduce costs, but not by much. For example, a one-on-one advanced history class for high school students can cost about $300.

To provide a well-rounded education for your child, you will also need to include non-academic activities as well. This may mean music, sport or art lessons and perhaps even planned educational trips to museums and galleries, theaters, and nature parks.

Opportunity costs
These are the direct costs of running a home school program but in calculating the total cost for running a home school, you may also need to consider certain indirect costs.

A study on families on home study programs noted that on average, the parent conducting the home school is the mother, who holds a college degree. It has been calculated that her staying at home, instead of working, costs the family an estimated $38,000 every year - money that could have possibly been used to address the family’s other pending needs.

Helping defray the costs
But before you get fully discouraged with the idea of home schooling, there are ways to reduce the expenses. One way is to participate in support groups for home schooling families.

This affords you a great opportunity to share resources with similar families saving you the need to buy an entire set of materials for your child. Joining groups like these allow you to borrow or swap things like textbooks, boxed curricula or reference materials. An added plus to joining home school family groups in your area is giving your child the opportunity to interact with kids just like him/her who are home schooled as well.

Depending on where you live, some states allow home-schooled children access to public school resources and some local virtual charter schools provide teaching materials for little to no cost. Some will even offer annual stipends to pay for activities like piano lessons. Taking the time to know what assistance you can avail of to help subsidize the costs will more than pay for the effort you made to do so.

Some money-saving tips
It helps to know that if you have other children, the costs of home schooling can be reduced with each child since the materials may be reused or renewed for a much lower cost.

Take the time to explore your public library and use what they have to offer. They’ll be more than happy to see you visit as frequently as every week. This greatly reduces the need to buy books every time and on occasion allows you access to newly published ones that would otherwise be expensive.

Visit yard sales, book sales or swap meets whenever you can. You may just find that perfect study table, teaching aids or that hard-to-find textbook for a fraction of the cost of buying it from a store.

When considering the costs of something as important as your child’s education, it is best to think of them as investments rather than as mere expenses. When managed properly, what money you have can go so much farther than the actual costs as you give him/her a memorable childhood of learning and discovering – with you at their side.
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Involve you Child at the Homeschooling Process

There are a myriad of different reasons why people choose to homeschool their children: there is the economic benefit of avoiding high private school fees; there is the convenience of scheduling schooling around other family activities etc. . . One of the most important benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility with which you can tailor your child's education. It is a well known fact that every individual has individual needs, and homeschooling allows you to create a learning environment that suits your child particularly.

When you undergo homeschooling, it is important that you have a clear curriculum and mind and a plan to execute it. But within that plan, you should understand that you have a tremendous amount of flexibility: there are many different ways that a child can learn something, and many different things to learn in a given subject.

One of the best ways that you can ensure a high level of learning retention is to encourage your child to take a personal interest in his or her education. Although this may seem obvious, many people growing up who went though a traditional school system will probably agree that their education was received in an authoritative way: schooling and your education was something that was done to you, not with you.

When homeschooling, however, you can take advantage of the almost unlimited flexibility at your disposal and let your child take a more active role. While you can't, obviously, let your child do whatever he or she wants education-wise, you should always explain to him or her a given education plan, and see what he thinks.

For example, when you start your school day, outline the plan for the day with your child. Depending on his or her age you can also explain the reasoning behind the plan. If there are any things the child seems averse to doing, try and take them seriously. You should not, of course, avoid certain subjects or activities simply because your child doesn't like them. You should, however, ask your child why he or she doesn't like something in the day's plan, and to suggest alternatives. In many cases you will be pleasantly surprised by what your child comes up with, and be able to incorporate it into the day's work.

As much as possible, you should have a list of alternatives in mind for assigned activities. The idea is to try and think of alternative activities that accomplish the same task. If your child protests against a certain exercise, then, you can offer them an alternative. This can be extremely effective in getting your children to learn material that they dislike.

Oftentimes the child simply has to feel that he or she is more in control of the situation to enjoy it. Even though you are ultimately controlling your child's education, by granting them small allowances and choices, while still sticking with the larger picture, everybody wins: your child feels he is doing what he wants to do, and you are still teaching your child what you want him to learn.
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How does Homeschooling Work?

With the increase in competition on job, education has become one of the most important things that a person should attain. In addition, because education has been regarded very important today, many educational institutions offer educational programs.

Sometimes parents are more pressured on what and where school can they send their children to get the best education. With the different educational institutions that have different curriculum choices and external influences affects the decision on what school to choose.

Many public school systems nowadays have not met the needs of parents for their children in terms of academic educational system. This is the reason why sometimes, home schooling is better than sending your kids to an incapable educational school institution.

Home schoolings have become popular today because of the many benefits that it offers and the advantages it brings over the traditional educational classroom method system being offered through public schools.

Home schooling provides the parents the advantage of providing the curriculum they want and they think is best for their kids. Home schooling provides a control over the education that the students would learn. It is found effective for students that would want to develop and learn within their learning capability and skills. 

Another advantage of home schooling is that parents can remove in the academic curriculum the things the kids does not need or irrelevant. Home schooling is very flexible in terms of educational process. 

Home schooling provides assistance on the things a student needs to improve in terms of his strength and parents can remove the things that are not necessary basing from the skills being develop.

Home schooling focuses on developing the skills found on a student and drop in part of the curriculum that is not necessary from the child’s skills that could sometimes cause stress or disappointment because they are limited on learning them.

Parents can literally choose the things their child wants to develop or the natural skills their child have.
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Is K12 Homeschooling Suitable for Your Children?

Many parents are opting for a home preschool program. There are many reasons to home school your child but it is important to follow some basic guidelines to have success.

Sure, you love your children unconditionally, but is it in your disposition to patiently repeat the days of the week umpteen times before he gets it? Some parents decide to home school their preschoolers for various reasons such as transportation issues, cost if the preschool is not free, more than one child whose timings clash and so on. However, before you transform your kitchen table in to a school, here are a few questions you should ask yourself. Are you as patient as a professional teacher? Are you choosing to home school preschool for your own convenience or is it out of necessity? The basics, such as sensory stimulus, recognition of shape and color, numbers, adding, subtracting, matching, and predicting, can still be taught though normal day to day life chores.

The first impression stays long with children, and the way they perceive learning in their preschool days would impact their outlook and receptiveness to learning throughout their lives. So it is very important to have a lesson plan and activity curriculum. Children need a routine and consistency.

Children look forward to learning when it is presented in a fun and exciting way. Especially in the preschool years. It is important to hold their attention to ensure that they are absorbing most or all of the new knowledge that is being offered to them. An alphabet a week is a popular way of teaching a single letter of the alphabet in different ways.Repetition of the same letter repeated throughout the week in songs, stories and activities makes it easier for the child to grasp. Everyone agrees that children love learning through activities.

Children are easy to please, you just have to make sure that you are satisfied with the overall arrangement of things. Socialization is a very important part of the learning years so make sure your decision to home preschool your child includes appropriate activities with other children. Arrange parties and field trips with like minded parents. You may even want to have a special "field trip" day once a week that includes other children.

It is important to hold the attention of the preschoolers to ensure that they are absorbing most or all of the new knowledge that is being offered to them. It is easy for them to drift a little when at home in their own environment. You may want to consider making a part of a room a classroom that is just for school time. This way it is special, when the child is there is will be different than just being at home.

If home preschool is your choice, keep looking for fresh ideas so it is always exciting and your child will be eager for the special time with you.
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K12 Homeschooling for Preschool Children

Each child has unique interests and learning needs, not to mention attention spans. Therefore, for parents who are pondering whether homeschooling is for them, it is best to do an initial evaluation of what the preschool child's needs are.

Several online resources provide lesson suggestions for preschoolers. Parents and tutors will most definitely find these materials very helpful. However, consider them only as a guide to give the children's learning some direction. It is highly advised on most of the popular homeschooling websites to be aware of the learners' interests, be it an inclination to writing, sports, arts and crafts, or any other subject. You can then incorporate these interests into the learner's list of "things that a home schooled child should know."

For different age groups of children, parents and tutors may need to employ different methods and techniques for homeschooling. And in order to know which methods and activities best suits the child under a specific age group, this short list may be of help.

Children of age 2 are found to be the most difficult. The child often gets bored and at times frustrated when being taught. Stimuli are needed in order to catch their interests. Children of this age group are most eager to learn, often walking around, and climbing steps. Common behaviors of this age include self-centered character and possessiveness. Their sense of humor also develops. Do activities relating to these capabilities of the child.

Homeschooling for three-year old is even more trying. At this point, the child is more physical in affection and in play. They don't mind change, love having friends to play with, and they take verbal instructions very well. Use these to stimulate them to participate in learning activities. At this age, they are already capable of communicating their needs.

Four-year old children are usually capable of working with scissors, hopping around on one foot or skipping. They start to learn to draw and possess a lot of physical energy. Let them try new things, as this will be their number one interest. They are very imaginative so give them an opportunity to develop and express this creativity.

Remember that all children grow at their own rate, and in their own ways. To achieve maximum benefits for the home schooled preschooler, parents and tutors should trust them and give them sufficient freedom to explore, inquire, and ultimately learn.
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K12 Homeschooling Option for Children

Home Schooling has been garnering more and more interest and support from many parents who are looking for educational alternatives that they can give to their kids. Home schooling is an educational method that makes use of the home as the primary educational base for children. The system involves children being taught or educated at home rather than at an institution such as public or private schools.

In the past, most children are taught their ABC's at home in the absence of adequate schools in some areas. But with the advent of compulsory school attendance in the 19th century, education worldwide is earned through the traditional school approach. In today's terms, home schooling or home education refer to the instruction done in the home with the supervision of government-regulated correspondence schools.

Is home schooling effective? Most people tend to believe so. Many experts think that home schooling can be an effective learning tool because it practices a more personalized form of education. In home schooling, it is usually the parent's responsibility to teach the kids their lesson. And this type of learning environment has helped many children absorb more of what they are being taught.

And the great results have substantiated proof. Some home school statistics show that a number of home school students scored as many as thirty percentile points higher than national public school averages. Some experts don't even see statistical differences in terms of academic achievement between home school students taught by parents with less formal education and those students being taught by parents that have acquired higher formal education.

There are other positive home schooling statistics available that will help prove that such a method of educating children is just as effective. In 2003, the NHERI or National Home Education Research Institute conducted an extensive survey of over 7,300 home-schooled adults in the US with over 5000 of them being part of the survey for over seven years. The findings of the said survey indicated that more home-schooled adults are more active and involved in their respective communities.

Most of them are also more likely to get involved in civic affairs and have higher voting population percentages than their counterparts. In terms of outlook, almost three fourths of home schooled adults feel more positive and find life exciting as compared to less than half for the general population. Half of the home schooled adults report that they are very happy with their lives.

These statistics have shown that home schooling can have a great effect on how a child will learn. Home education can be just as effective and efficient as having your children taught in traditional institutions. Home schooling just carries a big advantage over these educational institutions in the sense that this method can make parents and their kids find time together. If you are looking forward to getting closer with your own kids and more active when it comes to their schooling, then home education for your kids should be considered.
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Deciding on K12 Homeschooling High School Children

There are home schooling curriculum for high school students that are available for parents to check out in case they want to put their kids through the program. Contrary to popular opinion, home schooling is not merely limited to primary and lower grade class students. In fact, there are even home courses available for upcoming college students. Whatever age your child is, there are several home schooling resources available that will be able to fill up your needs.

Home schooling has been getting more and more parents in this system of educating their children. To put it more simply, home education is the process of learning where children are taught and educated inside the home. This method of educating children has been around for a long time. But it is only now that it has gathered more interest. The reason for its new found resurgence may be the fact that more and more parents would want to personally look over the education of their children.

This way, parents will be able to oversee what their children learn and be able to teach subjects that really matter. Home schooling also enables a student to be educated in a very comfortable and familiar environment– their own home. No longer would children have to adapt to new surroundings, as their home is their classroom. Parent and child can also spend more time together through this unique educational system.

If you are interested in having your child home schooled through high school, there are different high school home schooling curriculums available that will be able to provide your child the type of education that he or she needs. The type of curriculum that you choose would depend on the type of education that you want to provide for your child.

There are religion-based high school home schooling curriculums that you can follow if you prefer to incorporate religious component into the lessons of your child. There are also curriculums that focus on the Sciences and the Arts that you might also consider. But also, keep in mind that there are other methods of home schooling available for your child going into high school.

Other home schooling methods available for you include student-paced learning where your child can learn and progress at an individualized speed. It is fairly accepted that every individual have different rates of comprehension, and learning curves. This method of home schooling focuses on the learning rate of your child. This will allow children to master concepts before they proceed to the next lesson instead of adapting to the teacher.

There are also home schooling programs being offered by your local community which you can take advantage of. There are also unit studies that focus on teaching different subjects following a central theme. There are also all-in-one programs that can cover your child's home schooling needs for the entire year. These programs will usually already include all the materials and resources that the home school student would need. There are other methods in home schooling specifically designed for your child in high school, that parents should also look into. It is an opportunity worth exploring.
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Deciding on k12 Homeschooling Preschool Education

The decision of whether or not to send a child to preschool is a personal choice largely dependent on adequate and affordable programs in a particular area. While some areas provide district funded programs designed to prepare children for kindergarten, others offer only private preschool programs that come at a price. However, there is also the option of home school preschool that allows parents to prepare their children for kindergarten while controlling the environment and method of teaching.

The most important goal of preschool is to prepare young children for the school experience. With guidance, parents can successfully deliver these most important lessons through a home school preschool program. So while public preschool programs may be overcrowded or nonexistent, and private preschool may prove cost-prohibitive, home school preschool can offer benefits equal, if not superior, to both.

Further, for very young children who have yet to leave home without their parents, a preschool program out of the home may be extremely overwhelming. This is the age in which to foster confidence and a love of learning; as such, this first school experience is incredibly important. It may be better to introduce school lessons in an environment in which children are comfortable and nurtured. And a home school preschool can offer just that.

Luckily, there are a variety of home school preschool programs specifically designed by professional educators experienced in elementary education. These programs can be found online and include detailed lesson plans that will educate and invigorate young children through play-based learning. Parents who choose to embark upon a home school preschool program need not worry that they are not qualified to teach. These pre-planned home school preschool programs will walk you through the educational process with ease and confidence. And ultimately, your child will flourish with your care and support.

Keep in mind that a home school preschool program does not necessarily mean a long-term commitment to home schooling. You may want to begin with a home school preschool program and then transition your child to a public or private traditional school environment. Or, you may find that you sincerely enjoy the home schooling process and choose to continue. Either way, it is most important that you address your child’s individual needs in determining an educational path. With love, support, and dedication, you will foster a love of learning sure to follow your child for a lifetime.
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Is Homeschooling Suitable for your Child?

There are a lot of parents who would like home schooling for their child. But they are afraid because they don’t exactly know if they can be their children’s teacher. They also need to find out if home schooling is suitable for their child and if there really is a need to home school their child. Of course most parents would like to have their children educated in school. The school is such a good place for learning practical skills and application.

Home schooling is efficient and helpful if you want it to be. You will be responsible for your child’s education so you will surely be the one to blame if they don’t learn. If your child prefers to be alone or isolated, you should not force him to go to school and mingle with the other kids. For sure, he will not feel comfortable and the learning process might be slow. If your child wants to learn at home with you, it will be to your advantage to teach him the basics.

Now that the education process is in demand, your child has a lot of options to choose from. First is to learn from the books just like the way they do it in school. Another way is by learning online through the use of e-books. E-books are the easy way to learn if your child does not feel comfortable with the teacher due to traumatic experiences or other reasons.

If going to school is geographically too far, you can educate your child at home. Traveling might be costly, stressful, and tiring. If your child has some physical disabilities, he might encounter difficulties in the public school system therefore home schooling might be the way to go. If your child has low self-esteem, and lacks confidence, he might not be able to deal with the pressures in public school, and could experience a lot of difficulties that may hinder his learning and social awareness. If your child has signs of autism or abnormalities, being home schooled would be the best way to go to ensure comfort and effective learning.

If your child’s interest is learning at home, home schooling will be the ultimate option. There are kids who go to school just to play and never study. If this is the case, bringing him to school will be useless and ineffective.

There is a fine balance with home schooling to ensure that your child has a relevant education alongside socializing and playing sports with other children. Home schooling allows you to impart values and teachings that you hold dear while adhering to the basic curriculum.

As long as your child has plenty of opportunity to mix with other children their age and you feel that you are adequately equipped to teach then home schooling can provide an effective alternative to sending your child to school.
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Some Important Aspects of Homeschooling Child

For about 26% of parents in each of the American states consider home schooling for their children over normal school classes. This is because of the benefits both the parents and the children get as a social being. Home schooling gives them the chance to be free of old school days with pressure and daily assignments. Due the old set up, many members of the family have become isolated from each other allowing them just a few precious times with their loved ones.

There are four important reasons why parents opt for home studying for their children, a) social reasons, b) academic reasons, c) family reasons, and d) religious reasons.

Social Reasons

By joining the community cycle, parents fee that their children are more comfortable in dealing with different kinds of people. They feel that their kids have a lesser tendency of becoming dependent with peers. By introducing the kids more to church and community programs, these home-schooled kids do not feel self conscious and recognized, as kids are easier to talk to.

The catalogue, Growing Without Schooling publisher Pat Farenga wrote: “Group experiences are a big part of education, and home schoolers have plenty of them. They write to us about how they form or join writing clubs, book discussion groups and local home-schooling groups. Home schoolers also take part in school sports teams and music groups (in nearby public schools), as well as in the many public and private group activities our communities provide. These young people can and do experience other people and cultures without going to school."

The home-school setting deviates the child’s attention from alcohol, premarital sex, drugs, violence and gangsters that could destroy his future. And since home-schooled children are free from peer pressure, they are more likely to have more friends from the church and community activities. Some communities created a special group for home-schooled children where field trips, social recreations and team building games are organized. This builds respect and opens channels for communication.

Academic Reasons

Parents believe that the less students handled by the teacher, the more focus is provided each of the learners. They thought that the personal tutoring of teachers is the most fruitful way of helping the kids learn successfully. The most famous home-schooled personalities of all time are: Thomas Edison, Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Florence Nightingale, Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Brothers, and Benjamin Franklin. One parent got more of his children’s academic training in home schooling through the process of exchanging skills with other home schooled children. Being an English degree holder, he teaches three of his colleague’s sons, while his colleague teaches his kids math.

Although home schooling is, as derived from its own name “home”, this special education also developed into a more organized and planned instrument of teaching. One example is the High Plains Christian Home Educators that was established in Colorado Springs who has its own administrator who sees to it that all 200 of their home-schooled children are given enough classes. Unlike a normal school setting, home based studying allows each of the subject areas to be taught separately making the approach cross disciplined.

Each of the students is given their own set of action plans so they can have the freedom to continue their passion. Quality time is provided for each so that more focus can be attributed to their learning success.

Family Reasons

Parents of home-schooled children feel their presence felt by their kids. Family relationship is strengthened and ties are intact. A child’s self esteem are more boosted because of the parents’ full support. Based on the American League of Research Studies, kids that are home schooled are mo re loving and confident.

Religious Reasons

Schools in the US have kept away from any religious and political issues for fear of influence from the two, this is because many organized civil liberties even brought the issue of religious illegality in courts.

For that same reason, parents find teaching their children at home a worry free place for spiritual and religious growth. Religion can be inculcated as much as the parents would want to bring the whole belief to their kids in home schooling and they believe that it's impact can greatly affect the spirituality of their developing children.
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How to Implement Homeschool Course?

The inconsistencies surrounding educational programs throughout the nation, in combination with the educational needs of particular students, have resulted in the increasing popularity of home schooling. In this non-traditional school setting, parents feel that they can better address the learning needs of their children in a variety of ways.

The curriculum put in place for a home school course is consistent with that curriculum designed for grades K-12 in public and private schools. It is the responsibility of the home school instructor – most often the parent of the home schooled child – to effectively deliver a home school course that is in line with meeting educational benchmarks set forth by the school district administration.

A home school course can be especially beneficial for those students who struggle with particular learning and physical disabilities. The home school environment removes the social and emotional implications of attending public or private school; it also clearly combats the issues that can arise when trying to teach a child with specialized learning requirements in an overcrowded classroom. Rather, a home school course cuts through the clutter and focuses only on the lessons at hand.

For those who home school, they must choose a home school course that best serves their particular situation. The basic courses from which to choose include those offered online, through the use of instructional DVDs, on computer software, and, of course, through the use of traditional course textbooks. There is no preferred home school course; it simply must meet the instructional needs you require and work best for the learning preferences of your child. While some students learn best through reading, others may respond better to processing the material through sound, making DVD instruction more effective.

The only requirements of each home school course is that it meets the curriculum guidelines established by your school district and can be easily incorporated into your home schooling environment.

Home schooling can be an effective and successful alternative to a traditional school setting. Ultimately, the most important consideration is the educational needs of the student and assisting them in meeting their goals in learning.
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How to succeed Homeschooling child?

Homeschooling your child has many benefits nowadays as private schools get more and more expensive, and let’s face it, that’s not going to change any time soon. Home education also allows much more flexibility as the family can choose convenient schedules for them and their child. Because of the structure of homeschooling programs, all the lessons can be fitted to suit the child’s learning style, pace and capability.

The first thing you need to do after deciding to home educate you child is to develop a clear curriculum. The flexibility that comes with home based schooling allows you to teach something in many different ways which can be a positive thing but also a negative one, because you risk providing an unbalanced education that can affect your child’s learning experience.

Setting a clear learning plan will help you be more effective as a teacher. A good start would be to look at the standard curriculum for his grade in a public or private school. This way you could notice the expectations for any given subject and decide on your targets and timeline.

Another very important aspect of home based schooling is discipline as you must draw a line between home and learning at home. The familiar environment can prove to be a distraction for your child. That’s why you, as the parent, must focus 100 percent on his education between “school hours”. Imagine teaching your child at the same time as trying to cook dinner or watch the Monday night sitcom. This attitude will send him the message that his education is not a main priority to you and he will treat it likewise.

As you and your child learn together, not only will you develop a priceless learning experience but you’ll also strengthen your relationship with him – a very important benefit.
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Scheduling Days of Homeschooling Child

When creating a homeschooling schedule, areas of instruction, student age, and family schedule should all be taken into consideration. These three things should be integrated to come up with a schedule that will benefit children and adults alike. There is no need, however, to redesign the wheel. Use tools available to you to come up with a schedule that meets your needs.

The first step in creating a homeschooling schedule is to develop a mission statement. Take a few hours to sit down, write and rewrite a statement of purpose for your homeschool. Consider these questions: what do you want your children to learn? What can you provide through homeschooling that your child cannot get through a regular education setting? What traits do you want to promote in your child? Writing a mission statement will guide your instruction and scheduling choices.

Once you have a mission statement, it is time to do some research. Collect information on the topics you plan to teach, and the developmental level of your child. The internet is a valuable tool for this type of research. To make things easier, you may want to refer to the teaching standards laid out by your state for the appropriate grade level. They have done the research for you. Use these standards compared to your mission statement to add and delete topics that you would like to be a part of your curriculum. For example, if religion is something you feel strongly about, you might add that topic of study to your states standards. Or you might incorporate it into already existing standards such as, teaching about people who have made a difference, or use religious works as part of a cultural study or reading material.

With a mission statement and instructional content, you can now begin to schedule your instructional week. With a weekly calendar in front of you, first set down meal, snack and nap times appropriate for your child and/family. Next add in regular necessary family activities, such as weekly trips to the grocery store, sports practice, or church commitments. Keep in mind that these activities can be tied into current studies and become part of the learning environment. Decide how many hours a day you wish to devote to instruction, and what time is reasonable to begin each day. Finally divide the time between subjects. It is generally accepted that at least 2-2 ½ hours a day should be devoted to language arts (reading, writing, grammar, spelling, listening and speaking). Another hour should be spent focusing on math. The rest of your time should be divided among your other areas of study. Some people prefer to hit every subject for a short time every day, but most hit each area of study for a longer period only once a week. For example, Monday – science, Tuesday – social study, Wednesday – religious studies, Thursday – art and music, Friday – community service.

The last key piece in your homeschool schedule is physical activity. While some choose to treat this as any other content area, and designate an hour or two each week to play sports, we highly recommend that you take time each day to address it. Incorporating short spurts of physical activity into breaks throughout the day will re-energize students and allow them to focus more on their studies. Additionally, spending 30 minutes of focused physical activity with your child each day will model and promote healthy behavior that will last a life time.
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Making Fun Homeschool For Your Child

Seeing your children go to school and learn things can be fun. It makes you feel that you have, in a way, imparted them the most treasured gift that you can give them  good education.

However, with many influences that lurk in school, you might even wonder if sending them to school is the best gift, indeed. Many parents are worried how children are getting their behaviors changed whenever they are in school.

That’s why homeschool had been created in order to provide a feasible option for parents who wish to educate their children in a way where they can supervise personally. They want to find a way where they can instill in them the values that they want their children to have.

All of these things are contained in homeschooling. In this manner, parents are able to control and instigate the kind of education they want their children to learn. They can manage their children’s behavior and impart in them the values that they want their children to learn.

However, what people do not know is that the very important aspect why homeschooling is a great alternative to traditional schooling is based on the fact that both the parents and the children can have fun learning things.

With homeschooling, parents can make their children’s learning process more fun and less rigid compared to the traditional school system.

Here’s a list on how to make homeschooling your children fun:

1. Make reading more fun

The best way to teach a child is to make things easier for him or her to understand and learn. The best way to do this is to incorporate fun in the setting.

For instance, if you want to teach your children to read, it would be better if you will read to them just to have some fun. Let them enhance their imagination by generating life in the characters included in the story. In this way, they will be able to learn things with lots of fun.

Create a connection with their books and not instill in them the norms and standards set by the typical school system.

2. Make learning comfortable

If the children or the students are comfortable with the program, then homeschooling can be more fun. It will generate more enthusiasm compelling the children to participate in the process.

The point here is that in order to make homeschooling more fun is that parents should never be constrained on the idea of teaching itself. They should teach by example. That is, indeed, a fun way of learning things.
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How Can Parent Be Excellent Homeschool Teacher

Do you enjoy teaching? Do you like to sit with your child and help them learn to read. Do you enjoy putting puzzles together or going on trips to discover something new?

For parents who believe that home schooling is a valid way to educate your children, you may be able to become a teacher. This will allow you achieve your desire to be a teacher but also be responsible for your child’s education.

As a home schooling parent you have the flexibility to teach the child in alternative and different ways. You are not regulate to teaching with the typical and normal set rules and regulations of the typical school system.

Additionally the parent is able to incorporate their own religious and, ethical and moral beliefs into the teaching curriculum. As the parent you can shape the values the child learns at home and not through the typical schools.

You should realize that it is a great responsibility to handle your child’s education. Many parents believe they are not able to teach since they do not have degrees or certificates in teaching. This is not necessarily the case as you can have tutors instruct your child with subjects that you are not comfortable with.

These tips are some that you can use in order to become a good home school teacher:

1. Have a desire to teach your children

You do not need a specific teaching certificate in order to become a home school teacher. What you need to have is the desire to teach your children. Many parents think that they must experience being a teacher or have a teaching certificate. This is not the case at all. Every parent has something to offer in the education of their children.

2. You have to believe that you and your child can home school.

Teaching your children how to learn things and how to achieve something in life will all be put to waste if you will not believe that your children can definitely achieve something and be successful. In this way, you will be able to teach things that you believe your child can do very well.

3. Understand your child's needs.

In order to be a home school teacher and in order to ensure quality education, it is best that do the research and gain a good understanding of home schooling.

Being a home school teacher does not necessarily mean you have to do what teachers do in other schools because learning in a typical school is different from home schooling. What is important is that you should have the desire and interest to teach your children. Any parent can be an effective teacher to their children.
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How Long You Homeschooling Your Child?

Homeschooling is a practical alternative or replacement to schooling institutions. In conformity with your state laws concerning this kind of education, children study and learn under the parents’ supervision.

Parents have several explanations and justifications why they need or want education at home. They have concerns regarding the safety of their children, the quality of education that is offered in public schools, the expensive cost of private schooling and the struggle of the child to keep up with the entire class.

Parents usually feel defenseless when their kids come home from school with accounts of emotional cruelty from peers, labeling them as “slow learners”.

With a large class, teachers usually have little options and remedy to act on these children who are so called “slow learners”. This is why often they are advised to be tutored, so that they will be given the attention that they need, and can learn at “their own pace”, not competing with others as well as not having the teacher’s undivided attention.

Also, a student who is very enthusiastic in learning and who generally does well in class is a good candidate for homeschooling, as he can successfully struggle against the absence of interaction with his peers and encouragement for excellent work that are components of a regular classroom.

The homeschooling teacher must be someone suitably eligible, which means that he or she at least finished a “high school education” to educate children of lower elementary.

The teacher or parent must be well inspired and encouraged to educate the students, as homeschooling entails a lot of hard work as well as rewards; it is, nonetheless, a fulfilling job, when you achieve effective results.

The parent or teacher should be available each day of schooling, should not be interrupted by any chore and be reliable and dedicated to the homeschool program.

Planning what your child needs:

Your child will need a certain study area that is quiet, with few or no distractions at all. Study time should be scheduled well for each day.

Display a focused attitude towards your child; this is essential, as your child needs to realize that you are committed and enjoying your time together rather than irritable or unsatisfied with your child’s shortcomings.

You must reward, stimulate and encourage your child to create an affirmative emotional and informative experience. You must provide your child with basic school materials such as textbooks, globe, encyclopedia and dictionary. Consider also the resources the internet can deliver as an addition to your homeschooling program; the net offers information that continues to grow.

Have a supply of educational games of different varieties, art materials and supplies and reading books, in an accessible place. After your homeschool hours your kids can play games, do crafts, and read books independently.

How to define your “homeschool year”

In order to begin the lesson planning process, you have to determine your timetable or what is the “school year for your homeschool”

First of all, know the total number of “school days” in the school year.

When determining this there are two main factors that you should consider. One is the certain number of teaching or tutoring days as obliged by the State you are residing in. Generally, 180 days are required, although some States do require more and some less. Consequently, this is the number of minimum or lowest recommended days for that you should plan.

The other factor is the total number of days which is necessary to move throughout the longest type of curriculum which you planned for the forthcoming school year. When that certain “longest” curriculum will necessitate less than the lowest number of teaching days, then it won't be a reason in outlining your homeschool academic year.

If it should need more than the lowest or minimum days, its duration will conclude the duration of your homeschool year. For instance, your State requirement is 180 minimum days of teaching. Upon examining your curriculum, you discovered that one such curriculum, for example algebra, will necessitate 200 days of teaching to finish. Then your homeschool year must be 200 days in length.

When you have already resolved and finalized which days is more, that of the lowest number of your State's or your longest duration of curriculum, then you should determine the “total number of days” in your homeschool year. This now will be the total amount of days that you should base your lesson plans upon.
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Homeschool VS Public School: Which One You Choose

The time has come for your child to begin his education, and you are faced with the ever present question: What should I choose? Homeschooling or Public Schooling?
Both offer advantages and disadvantages and we will discuss some of them in this article as it is best to know all the facts before making the decision.

Advantages of Homeschooling

Probably the main advantage that home based schooling has over public schooling is the flexibility. You can set the learning periods after your schedule and the lessons can be fitted to suit your child’s learning style. Also the homeschooling system allows a lot of changes to the curriculum thus making it easier for you and your child.

The learning activities are more practical as home based schooling is an unstructured educational program and parents can develop the lessons in a fun way that will make the child more eager to learn.

The other big advantage of homeschooling is of course lower expenses as nowadays public or private schools can be very costly. You can save the money for involving your child in different social activities that will develop his or her social skills.

Advantages of Public Schooling

The biggest advantage of Public Schooling is the social development of a child. While you can definitely involve him in other social activities none will be as effective as being part of the same group for several years.

Public schooling also gives you more time for yourself, your job and for the many household chores you need to do. Homeschooling can prove to be very time consuming for the parents as they have to be with their child all through out the lessons and also correct the worksheets.

You should make the decision by taking into consideration all these facts, by thinking about the time you can invest and the effects that homeschooling or public schooling will have over you child.

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Homeschooling or School at Home?

Homeschooling has become a viable option for many parents seeking to expand and improve their child's educational experience. The public and private school systems are limited, for practical reasons, as to how far they can go to meet a particular child's educational needs. With homeschooling, on the other hand, the entire process is geared towards your child in a one-on-one manner. You can create a particular curriculum suited to your child, and teach in a way works best for him or her. It is for these reasons, not to mention the economic benefits when you consider the costs associated with private schools, that many parents choose to homeschool their children.

When you decide to homeschool your children, you're going to have to come up with a plan for how the subject matter is going to be taught, and a system to execute that plan. An important distinction you should make yourself aware of is a philosophical one of "homeschooling" vs "school at home." The latter method is overly simplistic, and doesn't take advantage of the benefits that homeschooling can truly offer. While every parent is justifiably concerned about creating a disciplined academic environment, if you simply "teach at home" both you and your child will be missing out.

As a teaching philosophy, it's important to think of the process as "homeschooling" -- this means that "home" and "school" become one: it's not simply a case of school being conducted in a home environment. So instead of creating regimented lessons at set times - instead of your children sitting stiffly at a table while you give them lessons - be always ready to use the flexibility of homeschooling to your advantage. If your child has a question about a particular subject in biology, take him outside and show him nature at work. If he's interested in a certain aspect of history, take him to the museum.

One of the greatest things about homeschooling is that it doesn't have to be a regimented system: a day of learning that ends at 4 PM, Monday to Friday. When homeschooling is properly implemented, your child is always learning. During a unit on Shakespeare for example, maybe you'll decide to take him to a performance of the play on the weekend. If he's interested in computers, allow him to use his computer for a research project.

Although in some ways you do need a certain regimen when homeschooling, realize that your child's education doesn't have to end when you are finished for the day. Incorporating other educational activities into your daily home life will both expand your child's education and make it more engaging.

Most children learn better in settings that they are comfortable in, and what setting is more comfortable then the home? So if your child wants to hear his math lesson while sitting on the couch, let him. If he wants to watch a movie in the evening, direct him to an educational one.

By blurring, as much as possible, the line between "home" and "schooling" when homeschooling your children, your children will benefit from a much more valuable educational experience than could be offered from the public or private school systems.

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Homeschooling Program for Preschool Children

Different children have varying interests and learning needs not to mention attention spans. And so, for parents who are pondering whether homeschooling is for them or otherwise, it is best to do an initial evaluation of what the preschool child's needs are.

Several online resources provide lesson suggestions for preschoolers. Parents and tutors will most definitely find these materials very much helpful. But of course, consider them only as guides to provide the children's learning some direction. It is highly advised on most of the popular homeschooling websites to be aware of the learners' interests, be it an inclination to writing, sports, arts and crafts, or any other subject, so that these may be incorporated into the learner's list of "things that a homeschooled child should know."

For different age groups of children, parents and tutors may be required to employ different methods and techniques for homeschooling. And in order to know which methods and activities best suits the child under a specific age group, this short list may be of help.

Children of age 2 are found to be the most difficult as the child often gets bored and at times frustrated when being taught. Stimuli are needed in order to catch their interests. Children of this age group are most eager to learn, often walking around, and climbing steps. Common behaviors of this age include self-centeredness and possessiveness. Their sense of humor also develops. Do activities relating to these capabilities of the child.

Homeschooling three-year olds is even more trying. At this point, the child is more physical in affection and also in play. They don't mind change, love having friends to play with, and they take verbal instructions very well. Use these to stimulate them to participate in learning activities. At this age, they are already capable of communicating their needs.

Four-year olds are usually capable of working with scissors, hopping around on one foot or skipping. They start to learn to draw and possess a lot of physical energy. Let them try new things, as this will be their number one interest. They are very imaginative so give them an opportunity to develop and express this creativity.

Remember that all children grow at their own rate, and surprisingly in their own ways. And to achieve maximum benefits for the homeschooled preschooler, parents and tutors should trust them and give them sufficient freedom to explore, inquire, and ultimately learn.
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How to Make Homeschooling Convenience

Homeschooling is an alternative form of education that is fast growing. There are approximately two million people in the country today that undergo homeschooling. It completely fills up the role of institutional learning. In homeschooling, both parents and their children determine the extent of their learning.

Everybody can avail of homeschooling. All fifty states legally approve the practice of homeschooling. What differs from state to state are the laws governing the homeschooling program. Homeschooling can be very convenient for single parents who run a home business. They can have their kids to help them as well. Children of disabled parents can be tapped to take on a medical profession or one that involves social services.

Homeschooling should not be confused with home study or other forms of home-based education. In the latter, the parents and children do not have a say on the content of the curriculum. Examples of these are independent school programs. Home study is usually offered to those kids who for some valid reason could not attend school, say injury.

There is not much requirement for one to administer homeschooling. Some states do not even require a highschool diploma from the parents. There is however, one state which requires some training program for homeschooling before allowing a person to conduct it at home.

Homeschooling is preferred over institutional learning for various reasons. Some find the school curriculum questionable. Some parents think that schools cannot provide enough training to optimize the skills and talents of their children. Some are simply concerned with the issues regarding the safety and security within their local schools. Some children just do not fit in school so parents resort to homeschooling for their kids.

Not much is needed to enable one to administer homeschooling. Even simple household stuff or even pets can be used to demonstrate scientific concepts. One can also borrow tools from friends and neighbors. Books at home can also be great learning materials. If they are not sufficient, the bookstore and the public library are the best sources of knowledge as well as the internet.

If still clueless about the concept, there are many organizations, websites and publications which can help enlighten about homeschooling and offer great help along the process. The library is also one of the best resources for wealth of knowledge as well as the local museums.

Homeschooling can be a very rewarding experience for the family. It provides for more precious time for bonding. It is not necessary for parents to be geniuses to become homeschooling teachers. All they need to have is resourcefulness to find ways to answer their children's questions.
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Homeschooling for Today Children

It can be denied that homeschooling as against to a public or private learning institution, is slowly making its way to the educational mainstream.

This alternative means of elementary and high school education dates back to 1906 in the United States when the Calvert Day School in Baltimore, Maryland offered the "curriculum in a box" partnered with a National Geographic advertisement. Shortly after its fifth year, almost 300 children employed Calvert's instructional materials for homeschooling. Almost a century later, this method, alongside many other methods and materials developed, spread like wild fire not only within the U.S. but also to 90 other countries all over the globe.

Notable home-schooled personalities include, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Dakota Fanning (famous Hollywood child actress), Christopher Paolini (book author), Sho Timothy Yano (an American boy of prodigious intelligence), Lynx and Lamb Gaede (the girls of Prussian Blue).

Through history, the methodology with which homeschooling is carried out have proven to be effective. However, as times change, so do the needs and requirements of the learners change. With this, certain modifications are required of the conventional homeschooling methods. Something more stimulating, more motivating, and worthwhile to encourage today's children to learn and explore.

Looking through the vast resources available on the world wide web under the subject of home-schooling, it could be seen that there has been so much improvement on how homeschooling is done through its century long history. From the crude and very simple methods and materials, new ones that are more sophisticated and complex have become available.

Fresh ideas are readily offered on how lessons should be planned for children of varying ages. Suggestions for fun activities are also presented to always keep the homeschooling atmosphere exciting and something to be looked forward to by the children. It is understandable that kids have shorter attention spans that may usually be a deterrent in keeping their interest in sitting down and listening to a lesson. Taking this into consideration, doing fieldtrips to museums, libraries, even zoos might just do the trick for the little tykes.

In general, the conventional methods and techniques of homeschool need not always be applicable to all settings and apt for each child. Modifying these conventional methods by throwing in some fresh ideas for exercises and activities in such a way that suits the learner’s needs the best should always be regarded.
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Homeschool ID Card - Where to Find it Free

Homeschool ID card is extremely important. Though you study or teach at your own home. Having The ID card is a must.
Though having homeschool ID card is not required but for your convenient and safety of your child, the ID card is useful. Further, the id card will motivate your child to study hard as it make him/her pride his her homeschooling
How can you find and get the homeschool ID card for free? You can go and complete your identity at
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40 Tips for Successful Homeschooling

These tips consist of 40 positive attitudes of parents should have for successful homeschooling. Many parents get upset when making and running homeschool for their child. That is common and natural pulse for parent who want the best education for their child. However sometimes everything does not run very smoothly. The child may not get the expected progress or he shows negative attitudes for homeschooling. Parents in what ever condition should make a routine correction for what have be done instead of blame their child. Here are some tips which may open your wider perspective about running homeschooling your child.

1. You have to be flexible
When we write out lesson plans and have a schedule [which are important], it can be all too easy to remain bound by these rather than using them as tools. Keep your days flexible and allow for the natural flow of learning as it comes. If you have in your plans to read about birds and it leads to going outside and studying nests and trees, go for it! Our children are experts at leading us with questions. Explore while their curiosity is peaked.

2. You have to mor relax on your standards
You're not having school-at-home; you're homeschooling. While I think as mothers/teachers our standards for ourselves can be high, let’s keep the standards for our children at a reasonable level. There’s nothing wrong with expecting excellency from our children, but sometimes these standards can actually get in the way of achieving that simply because we become too focused on meeting it. Our children are going to make mistakes; they are going to fail. This gives us the opportunity to teach and guide them and watch them flourish as they grow. Don’t allow yourself to become frustrated over a standard that may not be realistic for the stage of your child. Relax!

3. Just let the bad days go of
We all have them. It’s inevitably going to happen. But don’t dwell on them and don’t allow them to discourage you. Let them go. Sometimes even in the crux of a bad day, it’s OK to scrap the schedule, scrap the plans and do something out of the ordinary. Begin again tomorrow and let the bad day go. Having several bad days? Rearrange some things, or try a different method. Be mindful of your child’s sleep patterns and diet. Sometimes  adjustments need to be made. But sometimes, kids have bad days, too.

 4. You need to have a plan
While being relaxed and flexible are good, and necessary at times, it’s really important to have a plan, a map of sorts, for where you want to head during the year. Even if the plan is a loose one, it really helps you to have some direction and focus on doing something intentional. For myself, I feel lost without some kind of idea of what I want to accomplish throughout the year, and even breaking that down into weekly bits.

5. You also need to have fun
Teaching your children can be a fun and enjoyable time. While having authority and order are essential, coming along side your children and simply doing life together while learning are the best years of your lives together. Have fun and enjoy them!

6. You need to read and read again
But don't read too many "This is the way to teach your child" books. You'll end up confused and convinced that you can't do it. Instead, read a few "how-to" books and lots of books on world history, philosophy, religion, biology, psychology, literature, and other topics. If you don't know where to start, go to the library and look up all the children's books on the subject in which you're interested. The children's books will give you an overview, with easy-to-understand explanations that provide a base for more advanced learning.

7. You need to choose the program which fit your child's learning style
What kinds of activities does your child enjoy most? Does she count with blocks, love fingerpaint and modeling clay, enjoy taking apart and putting together Legos or other building toys? Does he enjoy being read to or listening to cassette recordings of storybooks? Or is she happiest curled up with a good book and silence all around?

People learn in all three ways: kinesthetic, auditory, and visual. Of course, children learn through all their senses, unless they're physically disabled. However, since everyone tends to lean to one specific learning style, you can increase your child's learning enjoyment by adapting the curriculum to fit his style.

8. You need to try lots of stuff for teaching your child
How much would you pay for nine months at a private school? Probably $3500 and up. You don't need to spend that much to teach your children at home, but you shouldn't skimp, either. Education is at least as important as the amount you spent on Christmas last year, or on a trip to Disney World, or on a new Magnavox 31-inch television with a built-in VCR. If you set aside a specified amount for home school supplies at the beginning of the school year, you'll feel freer to buy that set of art prints or those German language tapes than if you have to dip into the family budget.

9. You have to write out your reasons for homeschooling and educational goals for each subject
Why do you want to teach your own children? Do you want to ensure their religious training, academic achievement, individuality, continuance of family/ethnic traditions? Are you simply crazy? (You will be asked this plenty of times, believe me.) When the rubber hits the road, you'll need to have written-out reasons for taking on this more-than-full-time job, so you can read them often. That way, you'll remember why you chose to keep your kids home when everyone else was merrily pushing theirs onto the big yellow school bus. Educational goals should focus on outcomes. What do you want your child to be able to do as a result of having been taught this material?

10. You have to realize that sometimes it's not fun
Nothing is fun all the time. Going to work isn't always fun. Running a household isn't always my idea of a good time. And sometimes I'd rather dig in my garden than teach my kids. Don't get me wrong. Life should be enjoyable and fulfilling. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to slog through the hard parts in order to make way for the good.

If you've done all you can to make grammar fun and the kids still gripe, explain that even though it's tough, an intelligent person must have a grasp of correct grammar. You can sweeten up the drudge with rewards along the way. For instance, I use index cards colorfully decorated with the words, "Coveted Candy Bar Card— Redeemable for one candy bar," to reward my kids for perfect papers. Or I give them something to look forward to, such as a "field trip" to an amusement park or campground after a particularly hard semester of schoolwork.

11. You have to give it a year
One year of home education will not irrevocably harm your child, even if the only "schooling" you do is reading lots of books. (We're talking here about a literate family who gets out to the library now and then.) On the other hand, after a year, you should be able to tell if home education has been a success for you and your kids.

Be generous in your judgment of "success." Maybe your family has suffered a financial setback, death, illness, childbirth, or the like (in other words, normal life), and you've all had to pitch in to make it through tough times. In that case, "success" may mean a closer relationship between parents and children, and perhaps a talent discovered in carpentry, nursing, or clothing design. These family lessons are priceless and can only be taught at home, not in a public or private school setting.

12. You have to do unit studies
The beauty of a unit study is that the whole family can study a subject at the same time. You can take an armchair tour of a different European country every month, or follow the chronology of classical music throughout history. You may decide to take an in-depth look at Eastern religions for a semester. Or you can select a species of animal, research it, and then plan a field trip to its natural habitat.

In a unit study, each family member works to the limit of his ability. For an activity on a unit study covering the Revolutionary War, first graders may make a model of a hornbook with the alphabet and numbers printed on it. Ninth graders may reenact the signing of the Declaration of Independence. You don't have to leave out the primary wage-earner when you do your unit study. Make posters charting the taxonomy of living things and hang them on the dining room walls. Plan an ethnically appropriate meal and have the kids cook and serve it. Watch a library video on Germany after dinner one evening.

13. You have to balance the  life skills with academic skills
Driving a car. Planning and preparing a meal. Mowing the lawn. Re-shingling the roof. Sewing kitchen curtains. Balancing the household budget. These are life skills and, while we may think they don't take a lot of brain power, life skills will most likely mean the difference between your child's future independence or her ineptness. It's extraordinary how much we worry about whether our children are learning biology, but then neglect to teach them the correct way to paint a room or a house, how to iron a shirt, how to cut or trim hair, or how to fix the toaster. Instead, we do these things ourselves or pay others to do them for us.

Make a list of life skills you'd like your kids to know before they leave your tender care. Teaching these skills not only helps the family now, but ensures that your kids will be able to take care of themselves later. And the number one tip for home educators:

14.  You need to enjoy yourself
Did you study the subjects you wanted to learn during your educational career? More important, do you remember any of it? My three years of French have withered away to one feeble chorus of "La plume de ma tante." I have even less memory of my Algebra II class (except that the teacher pronounced the word "function" in a very interesting way). Now I'm learning German and taking guitar lessons. And algebra is more understandable without all the distractions I had in tenth grade.

Who says school is for kids only? Now's your chance to listen to all of J.S. Bach's works for organ, investigate the ecology of your part of the country, or read up on hot air balloons. There's no limit to what you and your kids can learn when you have the freedom that home education brings.

15. You need to get children involved in some kind of sport or other activity that they like.
 Don't force them to do anything but don't let them give up too easily, either. These activities get children to socialize and also teach important life skills such as making friends, and keeping commitments.

16. You have to prepare Yourself.
Realize that you care about your child's future more than anyone. Therefore, you are uniquely qualified for the role of homeschooling parent. Homeschooling is a big responsibility, but if you mold it to your family lifestyle it works well and doesn't mean you, as a parent, have no other life outside of home educating your children.

17. You have to determine Your Home Education Style.
Examine your own intentions and motivations. Why do you want to home educate? What do you consider a ‘good’ education? What do you believe about children, teaching, and learning? How do your children seem to learn best? These questions can help you determine what approach to take, and help you create a learning environment that will be best for your family and your children. Learn about the different home education methods, such as

18. You need to make a plan for your Curriculum.
The enormous volume of material and methods that are available can be very overwhelming for a new home educating parent. Identifying your approach will help narrow things down. (For example, unschoolers usually have a wide variety of resources for their children to experience, but no formal curriculum. Authentic classical education involves teaching reading, thinking, and speaking to substantial mastery. There are many resources to help you navigate through the maze of ideas. Libraries and bookstores have books on home education methods, experiences, and proven curricula. The internet offers a never-ending source of information as well: basic information on various subjects, online curriculum and supply ordering, articles about methodologies, support groups, and public school curricula. The internet even has free lessons on most subjects from teachers, other home educators, and even television stations. Research, read, and plan what you want to teach and how.

19. You need to look for local support.
You can find local groups that meet regularly, organizations that put on periodic seminars or conventions, or even online groups that swap ideas and resources on it. Many groups set up co-op classes - taught by other parents - in a variety of subjects. If you start to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or all alone in your family's educational pursuits, a support group can offer advice or just a reassuring acknowledgment from other parents that you are not alone. They are also an invaluable resource for tips on how to comply with the home education laws in your area.

20. You have to establish your home education legally.
Learn what is required to home educate legally where you live, then do what is necessary to work within that structure. Make sure you get a copy of the actual laws involved as well as discovering the current legal interpretation of those laws. Since home educators have a personal investment in ensuring they understand the homeschooling laws correctly, local support groups are often the best resource to steer you to the most accurate legal information in your area. Be advised that the legal requirements for home educators vary by country, state, and even sometimes by school district, so a bit of research will be required. HSLDA and AtoZ Home’s Cool provide useful guides to what it means to home educate legally (see external links.)

21. You have to prepare your children.
Explain to them what is going to happen in the months to come - including how daily life will be changing - for them and the family. To older children, make clear that though they may be leaving their school, it doesn't mean they are leaving their education or their friends. Ask them what they would be interested in studying (for example, if one loves star gazing, get a telescope and study astronomy). Be sure to get them excited. Home Education is fun!

22. You need to Inform you extended family.
Others in your family who care about you and your children can be helpful and give great support to your home education efforts - or they can be heartbreaking critics. Plan how you will tell them what you are planning to do, listen to their responses, and answer questions and concerns they may have. Help them understand that you are both prepared and determined, and don't let any negative attitudes get you down. They care, and over time as your children show success in their education at home, they very well may come around and be your greatest supporters.

23. You need to allow time to adjust with older children.
Often children who leave the standard educational system for home education need some time to adjust. Instead of immediately jumping into "school at home" you may want to do unstructured activities and then slowly work into your routine. Determine how much "recovery time" is needed for your particular child, then work with them to create a different and more enjoyable learning environment.

24. You need to studying with flashcards
Gather Supplies. Home Education supplies, like everything else in home education, vary greatly by teaching method. You can order textbooks, boxed curriculum, and learning tools online or at home educating curriculum and supply sales. For cheaper alternatives, many home educators use libraries, used book stores, curriculum swaps, thrift stores, and garage sales. Also, a back-to-school-sale at a local discount store or office supply store is the perfect place to get some of the basic supplies like pens, notebooks and glue.

25. Y ou need to plan your Day.
If you choose to have a more formal home education environment, you can prepare by gathering your lesson plans, materials, and textbooks together - or even by setting-up a room in your house for studies and activities. A different approach might mean your preparation involves setting up field trips for the rest of the year in every subject, placing learning objects around your home, or simply getting yourself into a mindset of using every day as a learning opportunity with no set plans or textbooks. However you choose to home educate, it can only be helped by planning and preparing as much as you can before you start.

26. You need to make benefit from a study garden
Look for hands-on activities. Everyone benefits from seeing things firsthand. Some activities that can be educational as well as easy to do are: gardening, cooking, sewing, composting, science projects, hiking, fixing the house, caring for pets, and taking apart broken appliances (just make sure there are no lasers or dangerous electronic components still active). Your children will learn different things depending on their ages, but everyone will come away better-educated.

27. You have to keep a portfolio of each child's work.
Thick, three-ringed binders with tab separators for each student are an excellent way to keep track of school work, along with whatever may be required from a legal standpoint. Label each tab with whatever subjects you are studying (for example: Math, Spelling, Language Arts, History, Biology, Spanish). After your child has completed a page under that subject, punch holes (using a three-ring hole punch) and snap the page into the proper section of their book. Remember to date each page or it will be a big jigsaw puzzle to figure out later. This is most useful when your child may be thinking of university study, as they often require portfolios of work from home educators.

28. You have to periodically evaluate your progress.
Progress evaluation happens naturally through the one-on-one process of home educating, although in some areas the law requires periodic formal testing or evaluation of home educators. Personal evaluation, however, should not only consider how your child is doing academically, but also how the process is working for everyone in the family. If the teaching methods are a poor match with your child’s learning styles, if the curriculum is too structured or not structured enough, or if the process of home educating seems to be making things worse rather than better, then it’s time for a change. Fortunately, change is something you can do fairly quickly with just a little research. If you feel uncomfortable with your level of knowledge on the subject, there are standardized progress tests (such as Fcat) that your child can take and then have the scores mailed to you, and you can find many other tests to order or take online.

29. You need trust your knowledge and instincts regarding your own children.
You are not only the one ultimately responsible for guiding your children's education, but you are often the one person best able to recognize what they do or do not need. Turn to evaluations and insights from others to help guide you, but trust your own instincts about what your children need to learn and do in their educational progress.

30. You need to have your child go to the park and to other public areas in the town to meet new friends.
If you child already had friends make sure they stay in touch. Do not force our child to become friends with a certain person, like maybe another home educated child. Remember even though another students parents might be your friend doesn't mean your child has to be friends with their child.

31. You need to join a Homeschooling Co-op or support group to talk to and share ideas with when things get difficult.
Sometimes you just need to know you're not alone. I have learned so much by observing other women interact with their children.

32. You need not feel pressured into recreating a classroom setting.
When I first started homeschooling, I tried to recreate a classroom setting similar to that of a public school system. I even had my children wear uniforms, which is not a bad idea, but in the end it didn't work for us.

I found that taking my children to the grocery store with a calculator taught subtraction and addition in a more tangible way. Trips to the library opened our hearts and minds to some of the finest literature and stories available, working side by side with my children taught them life skills in organization, cleanliness, administration, time management, budgeting, craftsmanship, and more. Children learn differently and have talents and abilities unlike their siblings or friends. Teach according to those differences, abilities, and talents. You may have to learn to be a bit more creative, but the bonus is less stress and happier children.

33. You need to listen to your husband's counsel.
If you have boys (and girls), the importance of going to your husband for wise counsel is necessary for your sanity and success. I cannot count the times my husband shared a tip or gave advice that worked wonders for me and the boys. One day my boy was giving me a hard time and I was trying to lecture him out of his funk (tip: lectures do not work on boys <-- tweet this ). I remembered a conversation I had had with my husband and it stopped me dead in my tracks. I instructed this man-child to grab his jacket and run twenty laps around the house. The twenty laps energized him so completely that after the run he organized the entire garage without being told to do so.

34.You need to give yourself permission to fail.
I have adopted strategies that have failed, but at least I know it doesn't work. The beauty of homeschooling is you can change something that isn't working in a matter of days. Sometimes a routine is all that is needed, maybe more flexibility, or maybe a day off. Don't beat yourself up. You'll figure it out!
Take a minute or two and write down the reasons you have chosen to homeschool; refer to them often as an encouragement when frustrated or confused.
Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got! Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts.

35.  You need to accept that you can't do it all.
Actually you won't do it all and you don't have to. Period.  You don't have to teach every page in the book nor does your child need to finish every worksheet in his/her book. Most textbooks have a lot of review at the beginning and a lot of 'introduction' of next year's concepts at the end. That's a lot of overlap.  Not only that, some children get concepts more easily than others and so don't need as much practice. On the other hand, some may need more practice on a particular concept that what is offered in  the book.  Some lessons are more easily understood than others.  You make the call..don't let the books or your 'pre-conceived' ideas of what everyone else is doing push you around.  If you are doing school every day, you won't 'get behind'. Consistency is the key.

36. You have to be a loving mommy and wife.
Don't let your schedule and expectations spoil your attitude towards your children or husband. If you find yourself getting stressed, take a break and/or lower your  expectations. You are not going to teach perfectly and your children aren't going to learn perfectly. You've got tons of time!  When my children were elementary school age and I was having a new baby every other year, I focused on the three R's. I bought good resource books, like the Doring Kindserly books, and science and history books from the public library to leave around the house. It's amazing what the older boys picked up in the afternoons while I cleaned and paid bills.! When my oldest children were tested in science and history at the end of their elementary school years,  we discovered that they were in the 85th percentile! No questions, tests, or formal lesson plans. were used or administered.  They read their science and history textbooks like they would any other book, because they were interesting. And it all stuck. Besides, I knew they would be studying these things in depth for the next six years.  Why worry or get stressed out?

37.You need to maintain balance in your life by maintaining reasonable standards in every area of your life including school.
Don't sacrifice the rest of your homemaking duties and family relationships for the sake of a 'perfect' education. YIt isn't necessary and you will burn out if you do this.  Instead, simply understand that nothing will get done perfectly, but you can give every area of your life a certain level of care and maintenance.  Your children don't need the 'perfect' education...they need a 'good, strong, foundation in the 3 R's--and they need a loving happy home. You don't want them to 'hate' homeschooling do you? All my kids want to home school their children and that is the greatest tribute to my hard work all these years that I could ever ask for.

38. You must not compare your kids to other people's kids
This will stress you out to no end and put needless pressure on your and your children! You are who YOU are as a family. Share what you love but don't try to be what others are. Others will be better at some things than you. Other families have different priorities.  Be yourself and let your kids be themselves.  They will excel in what they love and be weak in some areas, just like public schoolers. Yes, you will be able to help them with deficiencies more than could be done in a large group setting, but some things can't be 'taught' away. Some kids are naturally better at math, spelling, art, writing, speaking etc.  So what?  We don't have to be great at everything!  A scientist doesn't have to be good at art and an artist doesn't have to be good at math. A homemaker doesn't have to excel at calculus, and a programmer, doesn't have to be good at creative writing.  Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?

49.  You need to take time to train your children
Discipline problems won't just 'go away'. You can't teach disobedient children. Just ask my Aunt Joan. She taught first grade for 20 years. There came a point where teaching simply wasn't possible any more. Children are not being trained in simple obedience and that leads to chaos in the classroom and that is just as true in the home school kitchen!  If children won't sit still, pick up toys, or be quiet, they are not going to do school work either. If they have an attitude issue, they will not be able to able to focus on school. Stop everything and deal with discipline issues in a loving way. Homeschooling is as much or more about character as it is about education. My children have excelled both in school and in jobs more because of their CHARACTER than their EDUCATION.

40.  You need to maintain a Certain Order and Routine. 
Start supper first thing in the morning. You will be too tired to cook at the end of the day. Do a load of laundry every day.  Pick up before bed, so the house won't be in total chaos first thing in the morning. A messy house and home schooling is just too discouraging to bear! Make a schedule of what order you are going to clean, teach, cook, etc. and then work on these tasks in that order but don't fret about the exact time everything is done, just the order. Start with the most important things first. Devotions, Dinner, Math, Reading, Writing, and Laundry are essential. Other things can wait. 

These 40 tips which consist of some positive attitude of homeschooler parent which seem to drive your success in homeschool are compiled from some sources: 
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How to Set up and Organize Attractive Homeschool Classroom

A home environment can be set up for conductive learning. Teaching your child to read in the middle of a family room may not be the best space arrangement and could be disruptive to learning. Choosing an appropriate  room to devote to educational means and for storing school-related material is important. Children learn that this room is for school and the rest of the family home is for socializing and play.

How you set up your home-schooling room is important as well. The room should be one in a quiet area without disruptive noises or distractions. The area should be kept clean and neat at all times, and children should be taught to put away their materials and books after working with them. This behavior taught in a public school system is good to practice in home-schooling environments as well.

To that end, have storage centers that allow sorting of materials and easy clean up after use. Racks with bins or storage drawers where children can put away arts and crafts materials or pencils and crayons are a good idea. There are many storage center options on the market today to keep school materials neat and tidy.

Provide furniture that is scaled down to child size. If you visit an elementary school, you'll notice that all the desks and chairs are small, making them easy for children to use. They're also more comfortable for children, making learning less of a chore than having to reach up to write on a desk that is too high. Bookcases should also be child height, so that the child can reach without a parent having to worry about anything toppling over.

Watch for signs of boredom or frustration while the learning hours pass. If you see your child becoming tired or frustrated, take a break. Some children need to stop and absorb what they've learned before moving on, and a small break can be conducive to better mental processes. Just like adults, kids need a chance to get up, move around, do something else, and come back to the problem at hand.

Have a small reading area set up in your room, with a rocking chair and a bookcase full of stories your child can leaf through or read. Alternatively, you can have an activity center for painting or drawing and take a break from learning by painting a picture on the topic at hand. If you want to integrate a little child psychology, have your child draw a picture about how he was feeling before the break and how he feels now.

To make the process of creating up a home-schooling environment even better, include your child in the setting up of furniture and decorating of walls. Your child can choose pictures to hang or select a growth chart to measure height every week, or help paint the walls a color that is calming and relaxing, like blue. Including your child in the preparation for home-schooling can make your son or daughter feel more encouraged to participate in the venture rather than feel stuck at home.

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